Reiki Treatments

“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.”

– Akshay Dubey

Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is an energy healing modality that promotes easing of stress, anxiety and tension felt in ones body and mind that we can all experience in everyday life.

Reiki is conducted completely clothed on a massage table with the recipient lying comfortably on the bed. My hands will be placed lightly, non-invasively on various parts of the body, including the head, front and back of the torso, and the legs and feet. We will conclude the session with some feedback and recommendations based on your needs. 

Reiki is a beautiful healing art that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. Reiki is carried out by using gentle hand movements over the entire body bringing a sense of relaxation throughout. Reiki aids to help support the body in healing which can be felt on all levels – physical, emotional and spiritual. Reiki aids to balance, cleanse and strengthen the chakras which is a perfect way to reset and feel revived.

Reiki Infused Facial

A healing and uplifting experience for all skin types, incorporating reiki energy healing.

This facial treatment invigorates the skin and targets any problem areas. An infusion of organic ingredients, antioxidants and bio compatible lipids to nourish and revitalise your skin. A charcoal mud mask to hydrate and detoxify the skin leaving it feel soft, purified and radiant.

Reiki is infused throughout the facial with the focal point concentrated during the mask element of the treatment. Reiki energy healing completes this ritual of serenity to leave your skin and mind feeling renewed and nourished.

A must facial to help you fill up your cup.